Is Walmart cheaper than Aldi?
Walmart Price List
Great Value is Walmart's private label brand of household consumable items. It is marketed as the lower priced alternative to name brand, traditional grocery store products. Are these prices lower than Aldi or your local grocery store? Search our Walmart Great Value Price List** today!
Quick Tip:
Use 2 or more words when searching: There are thousands of items on this list. Walmart offers the same item in different sizes and bundles so your search may return more items than expected. Especially if you have previously used our other price lists.
A Few Quirks
Aldi and Walmart sell similar products but some are labeled differently. Those variations can produce different results when searching each list. Below I noted some of the differences I notices between Aldi and Walmart.
Aldi: is labeled butter quarters
Walmart: is referred to as butter sticks
Toilet Paper vs. Bath Tissue
Aldi: Bath Tissue
Walmart: Mostly toilet paper but some Ultra Strong are labeled bath tissue.
Deli or Lunch Meat:
Aldi: lunch meat
Walmart: Lunch meat is labeled as thin sliced. A search for thin sliced yields deli/lunch meat products, like Great Value Premium Thin Sliced Black Forest Ham, 16 Oz.

Walmart Great Value Price List
Note: Keep in mind that our goal is to provide you with the most accurate information at the time the prices were updated. Due to the sheer volume of products offered at Walmart, not all items are available in every store. Product pricing and availability can vary based on location.
**There are a few other brands on the list but the primary focus is the Great Value Brand prices.