My Weekly Shopping Trips for December 16!

Here are my shopping trips for the week of December 16. With a birthday party on Saturday and picking up our oldest from college on Sunday, I went to at Whole Foods Market on Friday. Since Christmas is rapidly appoaching, there are more trips to the stores this week.

Friday, December 14

Whole Foods Market: $34.19

Here is my second trip to Whole Foods this month.
Item Size Amount Discount
Rolled Oats 4.48 lb. @ $0.99 $4.44
Deli Ham .49 lb. @ $11.99 $5.88
Turkey .28 lb. @ $9.99 $2.80 $0.28
Pork Shoulder Picnin 3.08 lb. @ $3.99 $12.29 $1.23
Chuck Stew Meat 2.29 lb. @ $4.99 $11.43 $1.14
TOTAL $36.64 $34.19

Monday, December 17

I spent $49.90 at ShopRite

I spent $37.18 at Aldi

Tuesday, December 18

I spent $49.90 at Fresh Market

Tuesdays are Chuck & Chicken at Fresh Market and 20% off bulk discount.

Item Size Total Spent
Chicken 3.96 lbs. $11.84
Ground Beef 5.08 lbs. $15.19
Coconut .34 lbs. $2.38

I spent $25.41 at Aldi

I bought the Christmas ham!!!

Why did I shop at Aldi, again: I planned on getting the ham at Fresh Market, but I noticed that the glaze contained sodium nitrites or nitrates (I was looking through the meat counter glass) and it was larger than what I wanted. So, I went back to Aldi and purchased the Never Any! ham for $3.49/lb. I saved 50% off what I normally spent on the Christmas ham prior to 2017.

I spent $18.57 at Target

I bought Goldfish, graham crackers, and an early Christmas gift for my husband, pistachios!