Have you looked in your freezer and said...
wow, I didn't know I had that or what is that? because something that looks like a sauce or may be a soup is hidden under inches of freezer-burn.
Do you know what's in your freezer?
I certainly did not know exactly how much I had in my freezer until I did an inventory. It was a mess with a few unknowns, my leftovers for trying different vegetarian dishes that only I would like, and lots of chicken.
Well now is time to clean out your freezer and find out what you have. Download our FREE Freezer Inventory today and save money on groceries by shopping your freezer first. It is designed to help you track:
- What is in your freezer.
- When it was frozen.
- The quantity of each item.
- The number of meals each item can make.
- 2 columns to allow you to "count down" the number of meals left. Helpful for bulk purchases.
- The USE SOON column will help you plan your meals around those items in your freezer that should be used soon.
- We added a done column to mark off when each item is used. if you don't want to draw a line to cross things off the list.
How Long Can It Stay in the Freezer?
Below are the guidelines, according to the FoodSafety.gov, on how long food stored below 0° can last.
Ground Meat
Ground Beef : 3 - 4 months
Ground Chicken: 3 - 4 months
Fresh Meat
Beef, Veal, Lamb, and Pork Steak: 4 - 12months
Chops: 4 - 12 months
Roasts: 4 - 12 months
Fresh Poultry
Whole Chicken or Turkey: 1 year
Chicken or Turkey Pieces: 9 months
Salmon: 2 - 3 months
Tuna: 2 - 3 months
Flounder: 6 - 8 months
Haddock: 6 - 8 months
Halibut: 6 - 8 months
Sole: 6 - 8 months
Pollock: 4 - 8 months
Fresh Crab Meat: 2 - 4 months
Fresh Lobster: 2 - 4 months
Live Crab, Lobster, Clams, Oysters, Mussels, & Scallops: NOT RECOMMENDED Shrimp, Crayfish: 6 - 18 months
Shucked Clams, Mussels, Oysters, & Scallops: 3 - 4 months
Vegetable or Meat Added: 2 - 3 months
Cooked Meat or Poultry: 2 - 6 months
Chicken Nuggets or Patties: 1 - 3 months
Pizza: 1 - 2 months